Sunday, November 7, 2010

Week of 11-7

We will begin the week with an exciting cultural exploration of the British holiday, Guy Fawkes Day. This will be led by Mark Osborne, (Kaili's Dad) and Dee. We will be enjoying the morning with Cathy and Susie's class around a campfire learning about this day in British history.

We will continue to focus on the student store, meeting each day this week in groups from around the stage. The students came up with the following five groups and have at this point selected which groups they would like to work in;

1. Store Design/Displays (floor plan, traffic flow, location of check out, design display areas)
2. Money Tasks (develop all money-related procedures)
3. Procedures (develop setup, cleanup, and check out procedures)
4. Advertising (signs, posters, commercials, and other advertising needs)
5. Procurement (determine and gather materials and supplies we will need to run the store)
The afternoon homeroom time is being dedicated to the creation of product for the store. At this time we are creating Keurig cup suet feeders, homemade water color paints in bottle caps, trivets from left over tiles, and coasters made from wine corks. Watch for more information to come from our advertising committee.

We will also work in math groups, begin publishing books in creative writing, spelling and book clubs.


Scott and Dee

Monday - Yoga morning meet in dance room if you arrive after 8:15
Spelling words come home ( we will not practice in class until Tuesday morning)
Wednesday - Music Morning
Friday - Library

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