Sunday, September 12, 2010

Week 2 9-12

This will be our first full week of school and the beginning of our first sign up. Hopefully at this point you will have seen your child's individual schedule which came home in back packs this weekend. It is very likely that there will be some changes in the next couple of days so stay tuned. As the first sign up begins afternoon for the students will begin to look different. They will no longer travel as a class to special classes but as individuals. This would be a great time to have a conversation about appropriate travel behavior on campus. We ask the students NEVER to travel alone and always go directly from point A to B.

Picture Day is tomorrow! Please note that we are scheduled for pictures at 10:30 in the morning, however this is a very loose appointment. If the weather rains us out we will have a make up day. We do not know when the pictures will be ready and will let you know as soon as we do. If you would like to send a change of clothes that may be a great idea.

Reading groups which are often referred to as book clubs in our room will begin tomorrow. We have put a great deal of thought in to the placement of the students and will be happy to discuss the groupings. Groups will meet in the afternoons and are quite personal. Reading groups take on different looks throughout the year from adult like book clubs to nitty gritty phonics work. We will keep you posted with what your child is reading and doing in their groups.

Math will continue with measurement in small groups then we will end the week putting what we learned into application. It has been a lot of fun moving the kids through all the teachers and we have enjoyed getting to know them. This approach to beginning the year is sure to aid in the assessment and placement process of each child as we move to fixed math groups.

We wanted to share a great website with all of you pertaining to our featured author. Please take a minute to check it out with your kids, they can probably teach some things about the amazing author Patricia Polacco.

Thanks and have a great week,

Scott and Dee

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